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  • Partnership Student
    Sushant Patkar
    Co-authors Paper
    in Cell
    Read More
  • Kimberly Stroka Named
    2023 Young Innovator of
    Cellular & Molecular
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  • Mary Pitman
    Receives Inaugural
    CCR/NCI Outstanding
    Ph.D. Student

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The Partnership brings together the expertise and resources in the mathematical sciences, physical sciences, biological sciences, and engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park, with basic, clinical, and translational research expertise of the National Institutes of Health.


Our students tackle pressing challenges in cancer research under joint mentorship by National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research investigators and University of Maryland faculty.

Graduate Students

Partnership students are in Ph.D. programs in physics and biophysics, chemistry and biochemistry, bioengineering and mechanical engineering, computer science, biological sciences, and applied mathematics & statistics, and scientific computation. 

UMD-NCI Collaborations

Collaborations involve UMD science and engineering faculty members working with NCI investigators. An annual seed project competition encourages new collaborations.


The first seed grants were awarded for Fall 2013 and they continue today. 

How to Get Engaged

UMD graduate students, UMD faculty members, NCI investigators and potential donors can get engaged with the partnership. 


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The partnership hosts an annual symposium and other events jointly organized by UMD and NCI.


Check out our events page for upcoming events.

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